Blustery and gray, January is not my favorite month. And it's been a cold one in the Dallas area. We've had days and days of simply nasty, foul weather, monstrous winds, and dark, dreary clouds. It's enough to make me want to hibernate. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year, with October 1 claiming the prize as my favorite day. Fall is followed closely by a slew of holidays and special events, so when January comes around, I'm depressed and wishing for warmer weather, something to life my spirits. To top it off, I've been hit with one of the worst colds of my adult life. I'm coughing and hacking up my lungs half the day, and today, the runny nose made an appearance. So I'm counting the days until February, when a number of uplifting events occur, including my birthday. February also means that spring is right around the corner and our daffodil bulbs begin to peak through the soil. (It's always a cheery moment for me when I see them outside my window.)
Tired of the depressing, rotten gloom that January can bring, I decided to lighten up the house with some greenery. So I stopped by the neighborhood Central Market and picked up some Columbian solidago. The bright emerald stems are gorgeous, aren't they? I separated the bouquet into three different arrangements. This one, nesting on my living room credenza, looks so shabby chic in an old vintage milk jug, no?